
Wednesday 10 June 2015

Preventing Electrical Injuries

Injuries through electrical appliances can be very bad and hurtful for people. Being careless can cause pain but you can get better by going to the doctor and taking fluids or medicine or even putting cream on your scars or burns to help stop or heal the pain. Electrical Injuries can cause young and old people to die.

Electrical appliances are to be supervised by adults and elders. Children can get burnt by playing with electrical cords  that are plugged into a socket. To keep children away from sockets you can use plastic socket covers. These can help the children to stay away from sockets. Appliance cords need to be kept away in a safe place where children cannot reach it.

The consequence of playing with electrical appliances can leave your body with scars, burns, disability, paralysis, amputation and it can damage the human body, but especially kill you.

You can stop children and adults by getting electrocuted by repairing or replacing damaged cords or plugs, having more adult supervision, maybe putting up some warnings signs around schools and homes. High voltage equipment should be kept very high away from trees and house tops.


  1. Hi Kolotina I enjoyed reading your blog post about preventing electrical injuries.

  2. Kia ora Kolotina
    I like how you wrote about Electrical injuries. I didn't know that Electrical sockets are dangerous and can shock people and I also didn’t know that the sockets can give many different kinds of consequences. Did you know I have had a shock before. Have you ever had a shock ?
    From Thanush
